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Surface displacement grids

We provided 3-D displacement maps due to various atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological loading. The displacements are provided in the Center of Figure (CF) & in the Center of Mass (CM) reference frame in both ascii and netcdf format.

We use a land/sea mask model at 0.05-degree resolution for all the different loading computations, derived from the GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) database.

1. Operationnal products

2. Old products (no more updates)

Figure 1: Annual vertical displacements due to atmospheric (ECMWF) and induced oceanic (TUGO-m) (left) and hydrological (GLDAS/Noah) (right) loading effects in the Center of Figure (CF) reference frame.

Careful: As TUGO-m model is forced not only by atmospheric pressure but also by surface winds, loading estimates from classical ocean general circulation model (such as ECCO) should not be added to the (ECMWF+TUGO-m) loading computations.